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Monday, August 27, 2012

Forever, a battle between good and evil

which side are you on?

      White, forever would be white, and black will always lurk behind the shadow of those who’s right. But what if white forgets who he really was, wouldn’t black be out of the scene, would it be a sin? Would not black become insignificant and hover towards extinction?

ventus and venitas
      Black and white both exists from the beginning of time, to balance the law of nature. In China, they call these “yin and yang”, we musicians call it “ebony and ivory”, religious practitioners call it “good and evil” speed fanatics calls it “the chequered flag” and time itself told me he calls it by the name of “day and night”. But really, what if one forgets the reason of his existence? Would it be not the other one’s job to remind the other of their being?

      White would not be white if black would not exist, so it is even when it’s the other way around. Both of them co-exist due to each other existence. But really, what if white forgets he was white, and believed in a lie that he is blue, or red, or green or maybe pink?

      Think of your friend, big D, he forgot he’s reason for existence; he was the first victim of the 3h syndrome. He’s head bloated by false ego and wicked ambition, he tried to dethrone he’s creator. Where is he now? In the midst of darkness, where he indulges, lurking, frustrated to overthrow the KING of all KINGS. As if…

      If the opposition would not exist, wouldn’t your government do whatever that pleases their ass. Doing those things that are insignificant to our country’s progress, insipid actions, as they are. But I would never be in favour of those pesky rebellions; I for one and always be a leftist, but I don’t deal with those who oppose but offer no solution.

complete balance

   If white was attack by my friend amnesia, and act that he was black, wouldn’t it be sad to pretend to somebody you are not? What would we be, now that you’ve taken our place as black? Where would we go, now that we shadows don’t have a light to make us exist?


 Sadly, it was us that was not too vigilant to see the real you, we were too naïve to segregate your actions from your foolish punch lines. Blinded, we follow you in this procession of false beliefs. We march towards destruction. We collide with your pride, forever dream and live in a state of dilemma coz by our own ignorance. Welcome to the jungle called religion.

somewhere in this darkness there a light that i can't find...

      The battle with good and evil will continue to exist till the end of time, for where there is light, darkness there, also exist.

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