Worship is an act of
religious devotion usually directed towards a deity. The word is derived from
the Old English worthscipe, meaning worthiness or worth-ship — to give, at its
simplest, worth to something.
Evelyn Underhill (2001)
defines worship thus: "The absolute acknowledgment of all that lies beyond
us—the glory that fills heaven and earth. It is the response that conscious
beings make to their Creator, to the Eternal Reality from which they came forth;
to God, however they may think of Him or recognize Him, and whether He be
realized through religion, through nature, through history, through science,
art, or human life and character." Worship asserts the reality of its
object and defines its meaning by reference to it.
An act of worship may be
performed individually, in an informal or formal group, or by a designated
“…talking is cheap, everybody
can talk.”
-bro. Andrew,
raise your riffle... |
Anybody can
raise their hands, say words of praise. But few can really initiate it in their
own lives. But, let’s drop off the article here and see things from the other
side, or rather here. Commonly, worship now is composed of two things, songs
and instruments. As stated by matt redman, we are the generation that worship
by song, not by heart. Hell yeah, we really are, yet why most of our churches
would not give all their best in this medium of worship? We lack the knowledge,
how much more is our hearts?
Now a day, the typical
program of a Sunday service is song and word. Oh, forgive me my friend if I
have forgotten the most precious part, the tithes and offering. Will you still
forgive me? a service would be in futile if this would not be done.
But really, if this is
the way of our worship, may we know the purpose of ourselves? Literally, what’s
our purpose and significance?
To begin with, let’s
start with the drummer, the steady pulse of once rhythm. The adrenaline rush
towards the sky, the solid anchor that dwells beneath the sea to keep us from
strangling in the waves of dilemma called excitement. He is the blood that runs
in our veins that keeps us apace.
Our solid foundation that
keeps us standing is our bass, our skeletal system that keeps us intact with
one another. Eradicate it, and all
you’ll hear is a thin hollow sound of murmurs. They are the echo that builds up
the pace.
Guitars and keys are the
mind of the team; they are the one that leads us through the ordeal of
arrangement. They are the visionaries, the idealist. It’s their tone that leads
us through the storm of transposition and the voice behind our shallow dreams.
choose one... |
Back-ups, back-ups. They
are the ears and eyes, left and right. It’s them that must see and hear both
side, so that they might know what to do to accompany the worship leader, but
how will they if they don’t exercise their purpose. They’re like musicians
without a listener, a writer without a reader, or a blogger without a follower.
One must understand he’s part, or we might end up forever hanging in the tread
of suspended animation.
The hands, at times,
it’ll get dirty, worn out and at times get calluses. Yet still, it must reach
out to touch lives and meet God. They are the worship leader. More than shaking
hands, hand held up high in a voice praise. These little hands are the catalyst
that leads us in the spirit. The same hands that must forever dwell in the mud
called sinners and lift them up towards the creator of heaven and earth.
And lastly, our heart. It
is our ever living God, Jesus Christ. Without the heart, we’re nothing but a
flesh breathing insignificants, nothing more, nothing less. A blood without the
heart is just a blood, a stagnant blood, somewhere inside the body,
deoxygenated and exhausted. The skeletal system, though they are valuable,
without the heart, they’ll be just bones without any joints, cracking and
should be fed to any dog. A sound without skill is pointless, and a skill
without a heart worthless. Skill and spirit must be enhanced together; none of
them must be left behind. And also, both heart and mind should be at peace with
one another.
It’s been years when a suggestion
was pass in front of CYP “now SYJM”, a battle of the bands among each worship
team. Hell yeah! Let’s see who’s the efing greatest worshipper in town, and
kiss their ass! Not many likes the way a
former mentor of mine lives his life, but one of his principle is this“ no
worshipper should outstand his fellow worshiper, after all were all just
significant in front of our God”. Though, we’ve parted ways a long time ago,
and many of us had forsaken him and cast of words of dismay and depamation,
kudos to you Doc.
marty or joel? |
“We’re all
Christians, and we all hold on to our faith very strongly,” he says. “Jesus
didn’t come here for just Christians. He came here for the world, to show
everyone that love is real and it’s not wrong to speak the truth, and if you
speak the truth, you’re going to find it.
seclude yourself to a subculture, to seclude yourself to a bubble, I think is
wrong. I don’t agree with the Christian industry. I’d like to see it end,
“… when
you're serious about your faith it reflects in all aspects of your lives. In a
very large way, the messages of the songs reflect where we are as individuals
and how we look at life. Faith plays a big part in our music and we all wear
that proudly”
amazing how our music has touched people of all faiths and walks of life. We
love that people grasp that message of hope and love that inspires us right
back. It's everything we prayed for and hoped for.”
“No matter
where people are in their lives, they find power in our music and it's been
amazing and really rewarding as an artist. We're so fortunate to get the
feedback that confirms what we are doing is right.”
couldn't ask for more than just that -- the validation, and hearing that the
music brings hope and helps you live life to the fullest is a beautiful thing.”
- Sameer
Bhattacharya, lead guitarist of flyleaf
S.N.L. tyano
know not much on this word called worship, but as stated it is a lifestyle,
it’s an everyday struggle to make your Creator smile. It’s a never ending
journey to meet our ever living God. More than the world itself, one must
understand what it means. Grow up, we’re living in a hallucinated world where
we believe in a false bravado that this world will learn, always, from the
pulpit. No its not, it’s in our lives, on how we interact towards humanity.
Compassion, justice hope, and love, more than words, let us act